District Government Services for Businesses

D.C. agencies offer a diverse range of essential services and resources that support small businesses from their inception through every stage of their life cycle. Committed to ensuring enduring success, these agencies collaborate with entrepreneurs to provide guidance, financial support, and other vital services.

Explore the diverse offerings from District agencies below. Use the convenient filters to find the targeted support you need.

DCSmallBizHelp Success Stories

Impact stories spotlight the unique journeys of the featured small businesses and the pivotal decisions they made with help along the way.

“Genelle purchased a commercial space for her business receiving down payment assistance through the Community Property Acquisition Fund (CPAP) a program of the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED). “I applied in January, and by April I went to settlement.” ”
– Genell Anderson, AMAR Group, LLC
“With the help of The Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD), my business became a Certified Business Enterprise (CBE). We were able to access more procurement opportunities, compete for and win more DC government contracts.”
– Victor Holt, V-Tech Solutions, Inc.
“We utilized the DC Small Business Development Center (DC SBDC) at Howard University to help finalize the details of our business plan, and secure funding for part of the restaurant’s construction costs.”
– Kristal Williams, FishScale